Additional Airtorch Applications

LT Airtorch (LTA)
Max. use 925°C and below
Airtorch (AT)
750°C - 1300°C
Ultra and Plasma Airtorch
1000°C - 1500°C


SLTA (800°C)

Die Heating

Model - 0.5kW

Model - 6.5kW

Model - 15kW


Model - 1kW

Model - 10.5kW

3 Phase 20,30,60kW

Model - 3kW

Convective Heat Treating

Typical Applications

Model 3kW

Model 6.5kW

Ultra Airtorch™

Recirculating Airtorch

Engineering Conversion Charts

Technology and Applications

Choose the right LTA or AT for your applications and experience greater flexibility with your operations.

(Choose the power required first, the power will determine the flow available at the intended temperature)

Next decide on an Airtorch model from the available LTA, AT and Ultra Plasma models.

Examine automotive sensor development and testing applications

Airtorch™ Applications

Nozzle Heating
Gas Preheating
The glass industry uses the high temperature Airtorch™ to enable uniform flow and reflow of molten glass. The air temperature can be as high as 1200°C with a very low flow rate.
nozzle heating
Airtorch™ can be used to rapidly heat various atmospheres: Air, Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, etc. Call MHI for more information.

gas preheating
Microprocessor Heating
Light Fiber Processing
Unique heating from 500°C to 1000°C. The Airtorch™ produces laser-like heat to small areas down to 5mm in diameter with stable and accurate control.

microprocessor heating
Uniformly free carbon from woven fibers with true convection. The Airtorch™ creates hot turbulent air that passes through the substrate for uniform and accurate heating. As carbon is released, the natural flow of clean hot air flushes the airborne carbon away from the part and up the chimney.
Effective Heat Treating
Preheating for Welding
Uniform rapid heating. The Airtorch™ offers uniform high temperature and heat transfer to rapidly heat parts. Very effective for metals when increasing hardness.
effective heat treating
With high accuracy and temperatures, the Airtorch™ reduces the guess work out of preheating for welding applications. Offers accurate temperature read-out.

preheating for welding
Spot Decarborinzing (reducing hardness)
Ultimate Utility
Over carbonizing causes hardness above most machining capabilities. The Airtorch™ offers locatable, accurate rapid heat-up and cool down to efficiency diffuse carbon allowing tempering of the metal.
spot decarborinzing
Develop your own application. The Airtorch™ is capable of many applications where accuracy, uniformity, power and high temperatures are required. Also benefit from whisper-like operations, energy efficiency, and ease of use.
ultimate utility

Special Convective Ovens are also available.
Ideal for moving parts(debind, degrease, remove paint, etc.)

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