The JOULE (J) is a commonly used unit of energy. The BTU is also an unit of energy. Another typical unit for energy is KWhr (Kilo-Watt-Hour). 1kJ (KiloJoule) = 0.9485 BTU=0.0002778 kWhr
The Watt (W) is a unit for power i.e. the energy used (or supplied) per unit time. 1 J/s (Joule per second) = 1 W (Watt)
Power-Units Conversion 1kW (KiloWatt) = 3414 BTU/hr
How much energy and what kind of power will be suitable for your heating application? The calculators below may be used to calculate the energy required for common processes. Then by choosing a time over which the energy will be used one can calculate the best power required from the heater.
Watt Calculator - Fun with Energy and Power
GAXP® Furnace Element Calculator
DPF and TA Model Flow vs. Power. Useful for Airtorch Selection.
ROI and Monthly Payment Calculator
Watt Calculator - Fun with Energy and Power
Steam Calculator and Superheated Steam
Airflow and Airtorch™ Calculator
Radiation and Microheater Calculator