e-Ion Plasma™ - Thermal Plasma Generator
3Ds intering™, 3Db razing™, and a multitutude of 3Dh eat-treating™ within a few minutes
Improve materials propertis like wear, strenght, erosion, fatigue, hardness, creep, reflectivity, emissivity and others
Use low cost mhi rapid gas processing and save money
3Ds intering™, 3Db razing™, and 3Dh eat-treating™ are trademarks of MHI Inc. recognized in many parts of the world
What is e-Ion Plasma™? - Features of Plasma (Brochure) - Extremely Wide Area Plasma (with LIP)
The unique e-Ion Plasma™ allows for unique applications of Ions, Electrons, Radiation and Hot Gases. The e-Ion Plasma™ produces a CleanElectricFlame™. This thermal plasma technology platform offers clean-green technology that can use just electricity and air, leaving behind no residues. It is a new alternative to electron, laser, induction, and other Rapid Thermal Process heating methods. MHI's e-Ion Plasma™ uses less energy, produces less noise and is safer than traditional heating methods. All e-Ion Plasma™ devices feature integrated patented technologies developed by MHI. Other features
of e-Ion Plasma™ include: Highly efficient low power consumption, no water cooling, no ground electrode required and very small foot print.
Plasma polymerization of many unique polymers and blends and their surface deposits
remain unexplored with this new method.
e-Ion Plasma™ Source | e-Ion Zapper™ Furnace | Gen3 LIP System
Live Demo
Rapid Sintering of 3-D Printed Products. Use e-ion enhanced systems to rapidly sinter, hardface and clean. Cut time from 36 hours to few minutes in some cases.
Systems available for rapid sintering of platics, metals, ceramics and composities.
Please Contact MHI to schedule a live demonstration on your part. Demonstrations can be given live on SKYPE or equivalent.
Simply contact us. Send us your part and let us demonstrate the results live.
Helpful recomendations: Consider Zapper and Magnifiers for metals and ceramic. Use e-ion LIP or OAB for polymer 3D sintering.
Yes, even titanium can be sintered within minutes from start to finish. Extremely shiny parts even for copper or tungstan-copper.
e-Ion Models
e-Ion™ Models
Plasma Uses
MHI's unique e-Ion Plasma™ features novel technology that allows it to replace existing processes while simultaneously improving efficiency and productivity. Immerse in CleanElectricFlame™ for non line-of-sight processing or bend-heat requirements.
Compare with Laser.
e-Ion Plasma™ Uses
Rapid Degreasing and Stripping
Rapid Deburring and Smoothing from Metals to Plastics. Smooth Finishing.
Nickel or Cobalt Alloy Brazing and Hardfacing (call for details)
Surface treatment without grounding object. Connect to gas and electric.
Plastic Surface Functional Manipulation (please download ideation brochure). Plasma Ideation Brochure .
Heat Treatment for hardening and other processes. Please click on comparison tabs above.
Electron beam replacement
Corona Alternative
Electron Beam Furnace
Smoothing and conditioning.
Compare to electron beam or laser welding
Cleaning extruded plastics. Avoid toxic chemicals. Unique power adjustments possible. Plasma Ideation Brochure .
Compare to electron or laser beam Melting
Induction Heat Treating
Improving surface adhesion . Cause functionalization.
Compare to Induction Heat Treating
EB Welding support
Extremely Wide Area Plasma (with LIP)
Compare to Induction Melting. Please download aluminum processing brochure,
Download Plasma Applications for Aluminum Supplement .
Laser Welding support
Surface Cleaning
Enable Plastic Welding
Enable Seam Welding . Dissimilar Materials.
Thin Film Deposition
Rapid Annealing
Rapid Thermal Processing
Surface Deposition
Comparison of Surface Deposition Techniques
e-Ion Plasma™
Electron Beam
Deposit Rate
Very high, continuous
Medium, discontinuous
Species Deposited
Atoms and Ions
Atoms and Ions
Mostly Atoms
Complex Shaped Objects
Good/Excellent, varying uniformity
Poor, based on line of sight
Alloy Depositing
Simultaneous Gas Heating
Substrate Heating
Compare with Laser, E-beam and Sunlight
Comparisons with directed energy systems (Laser to Sunlight)
e-Ion Plasma™
Electron Beam
Surface Impact
Beam up to 150mm, large impact, improves productivity. Large area allows for CleanElectricFlame soaking at various power settings.
Commonly available average beam size is less than 2mm
Commonly less than 0.5mm beam
Yes, even for dissimilar materials
Yes, limited by beam parameters
Yes, limited by beam parameters
Vacuum Always Required?
No. Plasmize Air to cut down on cost of input gas.
Power Density
106 -109 W/m2
106 -108 W/m2 for commonly used industrial CO2 continuous lasers. Depends on laser type.
~106 W/m2 Depends on acceleration voltage and wavelength of beam
1.3x103 W/m2 (average)
Water Requirement
None. High Energy Efficiency.
Energy Efficiency
Very high
Very low
Very low
e-Ion Plasma™ use compared to Combustion
CleanElectricFlame™ Nitrogen e-Ion Plasma™ Plume
Combustion Flame
(Conventional Plume)
MHI Advanced LIP System GEN 3
(CleanElectricFlame™ Plume)
Emissions, Health & Environment
Likely to produce CO2, SO2 and soot
Uses combustion gas inputs of fuel and air, commonly requiring plumbing
Typical 20,000 BTU/hr burners produce about 22 moles of greenhouse gasses per hour
Fossil fuel powered combustion often leads to toxic byproducts such as Carbon Monoxide
Surfaces impacted by flame may be contaminated with small size soot-like particles
Clean ElectricFlame™ technology produces no CO2, SO2 or soot as a byproduct
No toxic emissions. Air is typical input.
Electricity powered, no plumbing or piping needed
No venting required
Uses only air input, no other gasses
No greenhouse gasses
Air to Air. It's like changing your combustion flame to an electric flame
Highly efficient, saving on energy costs
No residues left because of process
Improves productivity
May improve shelf life and quality of products
Process Impact
Narrow area impact when requiring intense flame, non-uniform heat application
Uniformity requirements may require multiple burners
User configurable width of plume
Higher efficiency
Requires less monitoring, saving on labor costs
Explosion Hazards
Highly combustible, volatile
Incomplete combustion may be a down-stream fire hazard
No combustible gasses used as inputs
LIP systems offer integrated over-temperature controls
Energy Efficiency
Flames are energy inefficient, with only around 10% of their energy able to be utilized for heat as quantized radiation may dissipate heat
Over 90% energy efficient
Realized energy savings may approach 80%. (A 30kW combustible flame may be replaced by a 6kW plasma plume)
Lack of precise control
Frequent quality control issues
Available built-in safety controls including an over-temperature shut-off
Noxious odor is often noted from combustion byproducts
Cost of Operations
Consumes expensive reactant gasses
Frequent downtime leads to lost revenues and costs of repair
Higher insurance and other costs because of emissions and other flame hazards
Uses air and electricity
No reliance on supply of combustibles
Less downtime, less lost revenues, less cost of repairs
Possibility of lower insurance premiums from improved safety
Request Information Online , Email-Us or Call 513-772-0404 for More Information
Compare with Induction
Comparisons with Induction
e-Ion Plasma™
Induction Heating
Surface Impact
Beam up to 150mm, large impact, improves productivity. Large area allows for CleanElectricFlame soaking at various power settings.
Needs coupling frequency
Yes, even for dissimilar materials
Sometimes. Dissimilar materials are very tough to weld
Power Density
106 -109 W/m2
Depends on frequency, coupling and coil details.
Water Requirement
None. High Energy Efficiency.
Energy Efficiency
Very high
Very low
Learn how e-Ion Plasma™ technology can improve your business. Download Plasma Applications for Aluminum Supplement .
You may also view the general benefits and uses of e-Ion Plasma™ technology in the Plasma Ideation Brochure .