MHI Inc. USA MHI ENHANCED SILICON CARBIDE HEATING ELEMENT MHI-RX1 Information request for SIC Element Quotation Full Name: City: Company: State: Zip Address: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Typical dimensional tolerance is 2-3%. Regardless if there is a critical not-to-exceed dimension, please alert during the ordering process. (Dumbbell shapes also available) MHI-RX1 SPECIFICATIONS Please Specify: Please note that Ohms, OL, and OD are the critical specifications for ordering. The ID, CZ, and HZ are not critical to specify when reordering or changing to MHI elements. Please leave these fields blank if they are not critical to your use. ** Please report at 800C. Temperature Unit: Fahrenheit Celcius Specify Inches or Millimeters: Inches Millimeters OL HZ ID OHMS** CZ OD of Hot Zone OD of Cold Zone Quantity: 20+30+40+50+ Operating Temperature: For lower quantities please check our GAPX® models The heating elements may need a series parallel connection depending on the supply voltage. It is recommended that any series connected elements be selected within a resistance range of ± 5%. Comments: (Indicate the different OD’s if dumbbell shaped.)