MHI Manufactured Products
MHI Inc. is a global leader in manufacturing advanced electrical equipment, thermal products, and innovative materials. Committed to sustainability, we provide solutions that save energy and lower costs. Our climate-friendly initiatives help you achieve significant energy savings while reducing operational expenses. MHI electric process heaters are typically well-engineered and designed to perform efficiently without lubrication or soot cleanup. Choose MHI for reliable, low-maintenance products that support a sustainable future.
Electric Steam Generators, Wide Flow Range Setting, Independent Pressure Settings
Set the flow or maximum power and temperature. Touchscreen Controls
Revolutionize Project Payback Periods with MHI’s Advanced Solutions
Discover the power of MHI’s energy-efficient and versatile Airtorch®, MightySteam®, or Radiative Panels in modernizing processes. Our compact electrical systems, ranging from KW to MW power, offer exceptional energy savings and increased productivity through simplification, automation, and conversion efficiency. Optimizing production efficiency and reducing waste is a crucial sustainability goal for all industrial manufacturing.
Are You Prepared for Zero GHG Emissions?
MHI-Inc.™ Provides innovative solutions for zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our technologies ensure compliance with energy-saving mandates, tax benefits, water conservation, and permanent metallic antimicrobial clean surfaces. The lifetime savings generated by increased efficiency are significant, often five to ten times any additional investment. MHI makes emissions reporting easy with special software for its e-heaters.
Achieve Your Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Goals
The payback period for an investment in an electric process heater or steam generator significantly decreases as the heater’s energy efficiency increases. MHI’s solutions are designed specifically for energy-intensive industries, allowing one to meet high energy efficiency decarbonization goals. You can rely on our well-known quality, dependability, customer support, and advanced manufacturing techniques.
Embrace Sustainability Metrics with MHI
MHI specializes in highly efficient, high-emissivity, and decarbonizing technologies. Our cutting-edge innovations give you a competitive edge in achieving deep decarbonization and high sustainability metrics.
Key benefits from MHI product line:
- Energy Savings: Optimize energy usage with our KW to MW power range systems.
- Sustainability: Reach zero GHG emissions and adhere to strict environmental mandates.
- Efficiency: Enhance energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries. New optimization, integrated digital electronic controls, smart technologies, and evolving IoT connectivity allow for remote monitoring and control.
- Advanced Technology: Leverage our expertise in high-emissivity and decarbonizing solutions. MHI is known for quality, reliability, customer engagement, and advanced technology production methods.
Convective Energy, up to 1200°C
1200C or more for test beds
Extremely Compact
Easy serviceability. Friendly engineering support. Wide flexibility. Experienced staff.
Class Leading Longevity
MHI manufactures industrial and prototype-scale, high-quality thermal products.
MHI Airtorch®, steam generators, plasma, high-power compact heating elements, electrical panels, furnaces, and process-heat generators offer remarkable energy efficiencies. Such improvements in high-temperature technology make the most significant climate impact by delivering high power densities for high productivity.
Industrial decarbonization refers to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (NOx), and methane (CH4) emissions from industrial activity to the atmosphere. Decarbonization aims to eliminate industrial carbon dioxide and equivalent GHG emissions by replacing combustion with clean electric heating methods. Deep decarbonization requires switching to clean energy sources, using ecomaterials, and shifting from fossil fuels to electric heating. A significant impact on decarbonization is possible with the industrial MightySteam® and Airtorch®—Clean Energy Solutions for a Smart Factory. Today, it makes more economic sense to carry out industrial heating by electrification as the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions than any other technique.

TRIPAN Three-phase controller for Glow Panels and Thermoplates.
300+KW MHI Power and Temperature Control Panels
Airtorch® 1000C output with low-pressure drop
Plasma and Steam Solutions
MHI – Micropyretics Heaters International
A global leader in smart-power industrial device technologies. Successfully navigating the global grand-challenges in energy efficiency, sustainability and decarbonization for all our customers.
We strive to assist our customers build deeper relationships, cut costs, and improve their work-productivity.
Across every industry and region, OEMs and end-users are looking for ways to improve their heat-treat equipment and processes to improve efficiency and decarbonize. They face increasingly stringent Co2 and NOx emissions regulations while being challenged to be more eco-friendly by reducing fossil-fuel usage and their carbon footprint. All MHI products offer substantial water savings and energy efficiency with zero combustion, aligning with the sustainability needs in the commercial and industrial sectors. Being ecologically sensitive provides better returns on investment.
Decarbonization, sustainability, energy efficiency, clean manufacturing, and antibacterial qualities are critical attributes of MHI products. To ensure their products conform to the evermore complex framework of energy use regulations, all manufacturers must undertake initiatives to improve energy performance, develop clean and sustainable energy, and protect the environment.
MHI has surpassed several industry sustainability goals— sometimes 15 years ahead of schedule. MHI Inc.’s strengths are state-of-the-art technologies, rapid fabrication, manufacture, design, service, and value-added efficient engineering products. Testimonials.
MHI has invented new topographical and topological materials such as Quasi-R® nano-materials and composites.
Depositors and sintering aids are available.
Systems integration with the best materials/modern electronics and efficient thermal management.
See the page on Energy and Materials Trivia–Sustainability with Simplicity.
MHI provides end-to-end visibility for prompt customer support and transparent low prices on the MHI web store.
Are you interested in licensing key technologies? Please click here.
MHI provides practical sustainability solutions. Green technologies.
Why MHI Products?
Choosing equipment with a high power factor rating can help reduce reactive power consumption.
Steam Generator Products
- The only company that offers a complete range with OAB® and GHGA models.
Key features include:
– Instant steam for packaging and sleeves.
– Comprehensive controls and user-friendly design.
– Steam production using decarbonized fuels.
– High-temperature capabilities for canning.
– Over 90% energy and water savings.
Introducing our Modern Electrical Steam Generator with patented high-efficiency steam, air, and vapor generators featuring steam-side flow control and independent tuning for power, temperature, steam flow, and pressure. Learn more about steam, humidity, and steam generation.
Airtorch® Products (Process Air/Gas Generators)

Airtorch Piping
**Tips for Selection and Use**
Low-pressure drop for significant energy savings.
– Available from KW to MW with saddles and blind flanges.
MHI heaters with complete repairs—join our “Never Down” program.
Aluminum, Zinc, and Silver enhancement furnaces.
Why conserve energy quality?**
– We are experts in concentrated power.
Heating Elements and Performance Materials
Decarbonized Electric Heating Elements: High-Quality Materials**
MoSi2, SiC, GAXP®, and IgMP, along with materials
Quasi-R® Nano Materials and Ceramics.
Made in the USA**: Our products are patented, durable, and crafted for high temperatures.
– **Custom Options**: We provide various sizes and shapes for quick delivery and easy replacement.
Connectors**: Contact us for information on long-lasting connectors.
– **Microheaters**: Explore our range, including the GiantHeat™.
For inquiries or orders, please reach out!
Furnace Products
Experience the Benefits of Decarbonized Technology Furnaces
Featuring Best Spans, NanoFractal Roof Hangers, and High Uniformity with Durable Stainless Steel Inside and Out
Our furnaces use safe, non-toxic, fiber-free refractory materials for a healthier environment.
Equipped with UL-rated controllers and certified panels for reliability.
Includes a full warranty.
Explore our offerings: Thermoplates, Microfurnaces, Fiber Furnaces, and Tilt Casting Furnaces—engineered for excellence.ces that use Decarbonized Technology.