
Decades of High-Performance Products
Product Overview | Awards | Advantages

MHI has hundreds of satisfied customers from all over the world. Please review some of our customer testimonials below. We always want to improve – please submit your feedback, Contact MHI, Email MHI, or text WhatsApp # 513-237-7755.  Thank you.

Customer Testimonials for MHI

Testimonials MHI

MHI Pre- and After-Sale Service

Major US Manufacturers,

Thanks, P…for expediting this request.

Leading US University in Texas,

Thank you all for the help yesterday—. All is working as planned now.

Cast House

They shipped early… that is fantastic!! Happy Holidays.

Thank you,

Billion Dollar, Japanese Car Company

Thank you for accommodating all my requests.  appreciate all the support.

Billion Dollar,   Canadian Company

… was the problem.  Everything is OK now.

Thank you very much!

Significant Revenue, French Conglomerate,

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for getting the order to us so quickly! It’s been greatly appreciated.

Leading US Industrial \Engine Manufacturer.

This was very helpful!

Leading US Industrial  Company

Thank you so much for the update. Looking forward to doing more business with MHI.

XI- US Major University (Texas)

Thanks a lot for your answer. This information is very helpful!

US Government Laboratory

…..Thank you for tracking this down. It is very helpful.

BEA-US Government Acquisitions

…..It has been a pleasure. The order looks perfect, but if you could ship it overnight, that would be appreciated.

SK- US Major University (NE)

…I have been able to establish communications and fully interface the furnace with my external measurement sys m.  Thank you for all your help in troubleshooting this!

NK- US advanced manufacturing optical
…”That’s great news. I’ll keep an eye out for the track ng. Thanks!”

Repeat Customer

Everything is fine we have ordered these heaters several times.

Switzerland Customer

Thank you very much for all your help during the ordering.

DJ- US  Canada Nuclear
…”Thank you, …….. This is much appreciated”.

Industry Consultants
“I appreciate your company’s quick reply after our initial inquiry and follow-up supp rt. We will keep you mind as we encounter new and different applications.”

VK- US Industry. Vice President.
” Thanks so much, …… I appreciate MHI’s service.”

J- From World’s Largest Medical Company
“This is perfect, …exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much”

LB- Edison Welding
“That is what I expected. …..perform some of our R&D work.

Thanks again for the prompt response”
JH- US Industry

“UPS tracking number shows that the heater arrives today. That was fast! ..”

The University of Idaho
“Thank you so much for the quotation……….We appreciate your service”

Maintenance Technician
“That did the trick! … Thanks.”

British High Tech Company and University
“Hi Peg……You are a star!”

Major Multi-Billion Asset Texas Company
“Thanks very much for the info and the repairs, we really appreciate it”

Senior Scientist US National Laboratory
“Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your quick answer”

Dr. K.R., International University
“I am happy to say that the Z18 furnace is working very w ll. In fact, we decided to buy MHI furnace banking on your presence and support. I am glad that a synergy is established and we are able to make progress in the project which funded the purchase of this Z18 as the furnace is working flawlessly.”

” If I could rate MHI, I’d give you guys a 11/10.”
MHI response. Thank you so much for your appreciation.

“I am writing to ask you to extend our thanks to all the people on your staff that were involved in getting our order put together and shipped in such a timely manner…You know I’m a redundant guy, so I’ll say it again,…Please extend our thanks to all that were involved. You certainly kept your word!”

T.H., (International)
“I am very pleased with all of your after service action.”

A. F., (International)
We surely appreciate your professionalism in dealing with this order and in fact we find the interaction with your company to be outstanding as compared to other companies.

George C., (International)
“Thank you very much for your great service. It is believed that the great attitude of your company towards the event will enhance the relationship between your company and o rs. I appreciate your help ag in. Have a good day.”

George C., (International)
“–I highly appreciate your service.”

K., California
“Thanks – I appreciate the timely response. It means a lot to us.”

A.C. (South America)
“Thank you for your note and thank you again for your preoccupation,  oo. It is a pleasure for me to contact friendly people like you.”

R.V. (India)
“Your excellent commitment to after-sales service is unsurpassed.”

L. L. (Europe)
“Thanks for your fast help. Best regards.”

B vK (Europe)
“Hi MHI, I love your website. It’s been very useful.”

Senior Aerospace Scientist (NASA)
“I had noticed the e-ion plasma device on your very interesting website. I find it to be extremely interesting.—– –. Later I will probably want to learn more about your steam capabilities too.”

MHI ships small to large Engineering goods

MHI ships small to large engineering goods all over the world.  Ready for all country voltages.

MHI Airtorch®

G. G., Lead Engineer, Major US Controls Company.

Thanks a lot. I was having a hard time with my RS485 to USB adapter, so I wasn’t looking forward to fighting it…how to power up the PLC safely, either. Now, I can do the majority of the DCS troubleshooting before needing to get in the cabinet.

K. W. Professor, Leading University in the Western USA region.

I am impressed by the quality of the heaters and associated electronics!

C. P. Lage Consultancy Project Group, USA

That system utilized an air torch as part of a continuous process very successfully — a series of airtorches instead of a series of 2 MM BTU natural gas burners.

A.M. Principle Engineer at Large Aerospace Corporation, USA
The low-pressure drop and compactness of your Airtorch® are out of this world.

VP of a Rapidly Growing Multi-Million Dollar Company

Your group (MHI) is the only company that can do this higher temperature with proper controls and long-term reliability that I have been able to find.

Your quotes were indeed submitted on time, and your product is good.

D.S. Senior Engineer at a US National Laboratory. USA

We received our system this week, and I’m unpacking it. The components look very nice, and I’m pleased with the detail and how you have designed the controls with so many built-in protections. We are excited to get this integrated with the rest of our systems.

L.S. Distinguished Senior Tech at National Laboratory, USA
You are the Best!  Thank you very much for your support.

C.S. Senior Project Engineer at Leading Fuel Cell Company, USA

I never provided any feedback to the heater rebuild. It ran brilliantly and satisfied our customer’s milestone.  While late, we still appreciate your diligence.

Senior Engineer in Europe at very large International Company for Coatings and Sensors
“Results look great, don’t worry about the differences…..

I going to report this already to my superiors and try to have it in as one of the new projects next year”
R.S. Ohio

“We purchased the 10kW Airtorch™ to perform rapid cycling tests to qualify our product for a new customer. We have secured the contract and the Airtorch™ is still going strong for 2 years. We are now using it for new development projects.”
See use picture

J.M. of Morgan Tool
“Using the LTA as the primary heat source for my customer’s tool turned out to be a wise decision. It’s robust for continuous use in a shop floor environment.”

C.A., UK (International)
I am very satisfied with the Airtorch™; we operate it everyday between 1100 and 1200°C for our experiments.

EL, National Lab, USA
“I really like the LTA … very much. They are incredible!  As per my calculation, we are seeing (very high) efficiency…”

Nate M, Utah
“We added the 15kw Airtorch to our existing Gas Tunnel Kiln to improve uniformity and overall drying time. It was cheaper than buying a new kiln”

Paul F, Pennsylvania
“We’ve used the Airtorch™ as a pre-heater for our application. It works well, we bought two…”

Ron J, Ohio
Finally, a product for die heating that really meets our needs!”

Tim D, Ohio
“Airtorch™ is a great concept, it works well for my unique applications…”

Ken F, Tennessee
“This hot air device offers great versatility, its the device I’ve been waiting for…”

Jim V, Michigan
“This device will save us money.”

MHI Steam Products

J. M., Consultant at one of the world’s largest consumer products manufacturers, North America
….”In short, the important thing for me is that I don’t think there is something commercial and that it is better than the equipment offered by you”.

A.M. Principle Engineer at Large Aerospace Corporation, USA
The variable flow feature of your OAB and its small size are really great features.

Existing Customer
I am thinking that we are approaching the end of life for these units as they have many thousands of hours of operation.

J.K., One of the largest US Company for CPG and health care goods
Worked beautifully – …  Thanks.

J.M, Billion Dollar US Company
“I have finally had a chance to work with the heater (steamer); it is performing fairly well.”

The buyer at large World AE company.
” I personally ….. love to have you as our supplier……”

J.B., Major US University
“… he was a great help and recommended the HGS product line.”

M.W., Major US University
Ours (HGA-S) seems to be working fine…

F. ., Major Canadian University
Hello … I ran the steam generator and the CX1300 unit this afternoon…………….. the CX1300, both pieces of equipment worked well.  Thanks for the pdf on the controllers. Now that I know that everything is working, please tell……..that I will forward him some pictures of my modifications.

S Company, U.K.
…We used the HGA2 as a research and development tool for our surgical devices.  The HGA2 steam device performed well for us.  It was used up to heat various plastics and materials up to 400°C with steam.”

Cascade e-Ion and Related Products

ECS Distinguished Global Professor
“The discussion on energy on https://mhi-inc.com/EnergyefficiencyLinksforGrants.htm is impressive…”.

US EPA  (e-link sole testimonial)
…….it is imperative to produce mechanically stable and uniform surface coatings on different materials and substrates with a variety of geometric and structural properties.

Y. M Distinguished Senior Scientist National Laboratory
“The technology of the  e-ion Plasma seems to be great based on the update you have provided to me. I was impressed to see the clean and high integrity interface between WC-Co and stainless steel.”
See use picture

“We ran one of the inserts on 17-4 stainless steel on our CNC lathe……..The coating did seem to make a difference. I would say at least 15 to 20% better than without it. I ran the small insert on 1045 steel. bored 40pc with 2 passes for each bore. One thing I noticed right off the bat was,the coating gave an improved finish over a standard insert finish. I did not have to change insert and finished all 40 pcs without the tool breaking down!”

MHI Enhanced Silicon Carbide Heating Elements

Jeff, USA
“Thank you, the elements we received last were very effective. Thought you would like to know.”

“Your spiral cut Silicon Carbide elements work great! We’ve tried other manufacturers but yours worked better… definitely longer life and more stable.”

“The best Silicon Carbide “RX-1 Type” elements we have ever used, life is much higher!”

We received our SiC heaters and the timing was perfect. We just started building the system this week”.

MHI Microheaters

National Laboratory, USA
These are very nice heaters I will keep MHI in mind for future applications.

National Laboratory, USA
I have received the heater and control system, and it is all visually undamaged and exactly to my specifications. Thank you for your help!

Professor V.V. USA Surface Science Center, Ohio
discovery with the Cascade e-Ion Plasma is indeed very exciting and the potential for all sorts of applications is enormous.

P.C., Large Instrumentation Company USA
We are pretty happy with the spiral microheaters that we purchased. Is there a maximum ramp rate that we should increase the temperature with in order to ensure the longevity of the heater? What ramp rate would you recommend?

S. F., Largest Aircraft Engine Company in the World
Just received the button heater! It’s looking great! Thank you kindly for making this happen, J .

Kindest Regards,
C. N., USA
“Thanks very much for the quick and complete answers!

Researcher at US National Laboratory
“MHI offers Microheaters that no other manufacturer can compare to.”

Senior Professor at Premier World University
“We have used the heater, it is working well. Do you have calibration chart (Temperature v/s Voltage)  for this MC170 microheater.   ……………..Since we do not have temperature measuring tool for such a high temperature (1900C)…………..We are planing to order one more heater………………….”

Senior Professor at United States Major Big 10 University
MHI ……. the only heating elements that work well for us in these studies; when we publish our results  —   I will be sure to send you the reference, I see your on your website that you link to work utilizing MHI products.
Product:  THM and Robust Radiator..

Professor A. R., Academician, Ukraine
Several years ago we have bought in your company the front loading M18-40 furnace and two robust radiators and got much satisfaction working with them. Now, we believe, it is a very time to substitute heating elements in the furnace and to buy new radiators.
Product:  RR and Furnace

B.K., Ohio Energy Efficiency Center
“I wanted to let you know that we were able to connect the heaters successfully with the help of your video. …The heaters are heating up like they should as far as we can tell…… “

F.G., France
“We have received the Ultra Coil… the piece seems very nice once again.  Thank you.”

P.M., Australia
“…the equipment arrived very quickly and in good order.”

Y.X. Canada
“Thank you for your email. We tested the microheater last week. It worked well…”

R. Sweden
“…I always give you my best recommendation for the prompt service and customer minded attitude…”

M.L., USA Government
“….. the customer service to date has been exceptional. Calls and e-mails are returned promptly, and your customers are well taken care of. We will definitely work with MHI again in the future.”

S.W. National Laboratory (Energy), USA Government
“….. , I just received the PH-G4-3.5 I ordered and it looks great.  …..we’d like to purchase a controller for it as well.”

K.R., Sweden
“The heater looks great, and in tact so far!”……..“We received the ceramic holder today. Thank you very much. We appreciate your spontaneous enabling help I hope we can try the heater soon.”

Dr. M (United Kingdom)
…..”This should get me right back on track with this project – which has gone very well thanks to your assistance”.

Silicon Valley Customer
“Everything is great! I’ve inspected the elements and roof refractory and everything is in great condition”.

Start up US Company Supported by MHI Technology
“We plan on continuing our relationship with MHI to further develop and sustain a robust localized heat treat capacity”.

MHI Hearth Plates

M.F. Canada (Inco)
“…Hearth refractory is working very well. It has high strength and much better than the other material.”

L. M., Pennsylvania
“For two years we were losing ceramic plates due to crumbling or warping. Then we purchased FiberFree™ Hearth Plates from MHI and they solve the problem. No crumbling, no warping, and they are still in service today.”

MHI Heating Elements

Large US Company
“I appreciate that you continue to follow up with me on this…………. they are working flawlessly! I’ve had employees bend them …………. running and they haven’t had a single hiccup. These are fantastic elements.”

Ron P., Cleveland
“Your elements have lasted at least 3X of the original mfg.”

C.K. , OH
“I’ve been using your elements for a long time and I have no complaints everything is working well.”

Researcher, Major US University
“…used at 1450°C… MHI MP1800 elements… ran over 2000 cycles… best ever seen by a long shot.”

M.G., PA
” I wanted to try your silicon carbide elements because I have been very happy with the performance of your molybdenum disilicide heating elements. Yep — I’ve been using them for a few years now.”

Researcher at another Major US University
“Now using in 7th year.” 2006
Note from MHI — We have been aware for some time that our elements are the best in the world, based on customer feedback. However even we were surprised by the life some users are getting from them. Users should recognize that life depends on the maximum temperature of use and other factors. MHI elements reach 1900°C… are we your supplier? (also see our articles in Technical Articles on how to choose the best element for maximum productivity).

Tim B, GA
“You make them so good, no need for replacement elements. It’s scary, they’re still going…”

William S, Illinois
“I’d like to thank you (and MHI-INC) for your efforts. I would like to let you know that I enjoyed working with your company. Your response time was very fast and you had the lowest price, XXX was second, and then there was XXXXXXX (who never called us back after repeated inquiries.)
Thanks again.”

“Very happy with elements. Lasting a long time. Thanks”

“As far as I am concerned you have the best elements in the world”

Leo M, Pennsylvania
“We are very happy with the heating elements, the MP1800™ last for us. MHI has supported us completely with very good service.”
“I would like to thank Kevin and MHI for recommending the use … (Petrox™) elements. These new elements have been very successful in our process. We could not perform our Preventative Maintenance on our ovens without the use of these elements. When we would check our connections we would break the ends of our elements due to the fact that they would adhere to the elements that are connected to braided straps. It’s been a great help.
Thanks again, Leo.”

Kevin R, Ohio
“We put your elements in all our furnaces…”

Drew R, Colorado
“6/10 works great, you are my preferred supplier.”

Edward L, Tennessee
“The square 6/10 elements are still lasting. I always recommend them.”

Mark, Ohio
“Your elements have outlasted the competition in our furnace!”

Alan F, Canada
“Your specialty elements are the best we’ve used.”

Arletta M, North Carolina
“Your elements are superior compared to our previous supplier.”

Drew R, Colorado
“You guys are great! Your elements last a long time.”

Jack K, California
“Your elements last usually 8-10 months.”

MHI Furnaces

Buyer, Multinational Company

Thank you so much for your support on this.  Have a nice day!  Regards – Saludos

Dr. P S US National Lab in California
“I have a 20-year-old Tube Furnace, and it still works just as good as it did the day I received it. When it needs replaced or I just need a new furnace there is no question, I will buy another MHI furnace. They just keep on running, great product”

Large Corporation, UK
“I’m keen to get this job moving forward as we can see a good annual payback on the capex…..”

Additive Manufacturing, USA
Great – thank you, John.  I appreciate your assistance.…..”

G., Major Glass and Ceramic Producer for Energy Products, USA
“….. your competitors are slower than you.”

D. F., Major University Northeast USA
“Yes, we received the new plug in good shape – it was very well packed……….. we have been very impressed with the heating rates we can achieve with this furnace”

B. T., Major University USA
……..”Looks good. Thank you so much……… It was great working with you……………….Purchasing Specialist

A.G., Major University, Mo, USA
……..” I want to start moving forward with purchasing a furnace from MHI….

J. T., Major Multinational Company
“…..has been successfully refining crystals for several months

H. L., Major Glass Manufacturer, USA
“…. received the delivery of the furnace (… # H18-40BLE) MHI H-series Bottom Loading Box Furnace… Thank you very much for providing the equipment we need!”

W. E., National Laboratory
“The heating elements arrived yesterday and the final element was successfully installed. The furnace worked without a hitch and product is being made. Thanks to you and your crew for your help getting us up and running.”

E.C (USA and Mexico)
” … been very satisfied with the performance of your furnace ……. it was moved to Emerson, Mexico almost 6-7 years ago… from our US operations”.

C.T.J., Major Multinational Company, Singapore
“…..Thank you for all your support and fast action taken.I really appreciate it”

S.S., Montana
“…that little tube furnace of ours is quite the workhorse and is operating perfectly as we speak.”

R.M., Michigan
“I love the new oven. The improvements with the floor and ceiling mounts should help reduce… ”

Dr., California
“You may remember me as a Stanford research student who purchased a high uniformity tube furnace several years ago. Its purpose was to serve as a well-controlled temperature environment for a cylindrical high pressure optical gas cell….. and it has been described in several groundbreaking scientific journal articles since. MHI should be proud of their role in providing us such a capable test furnace.”

H.C., Georgia
“I purchased a high temperature tube furnace from you last year. I am very happy with it.”

Dr. C., Florida
“…the furnace has worked fantastic for over 2 years…”

Dr. R., Cleveland
“We use your tube furnace everyday and I have found it to be the most consistent furnace I‘ve owned.”

R.O., University in Europe
“Finally, the furnace is in my lab! It’s wonderful! Yesterday it was delivered to my university… I am very grateful to you for helping me… Also, I would like to thank you for all your efforts related to the necessary arrangements.”

R.P., Romania
“As an already client of MHI, we have bought from you a very good laboratory tubular furnace-H18-40HT…”

R.F., Massachusetts
“They did a great job of packaging and it all seemed to have arrived in great condition.”

B. C., Ohio
“I just love this furnace, I hope to buy another one soon.”
see box furnace section

L. B., N.Y.
“Your shipping department must be top notch. That furnace had the best packing job I’ve ever seen!”…at GE
see tube furnace section

K. L., California
“I am a — at Stanford. The furnace runs great and gives us great uniformity”

Mark F, Massachusetts
“The furnace has high uniformity and is running like a champ…best we have.”

Gabrielle C, Michigan
“These furnaces are reliable. No problems ever.”

Rod R, Ohio
“MHI furnaces and elements outlast any other and I’ve used them all.”

K, California
“It runs quite smoothly, and we’ve found that there is a 14″ zone in the center where we can achieve a 3K temperature profile…..Thanks.”

B, New York
“A picture is worth a 1000 words. Thank you.”

R.P., Romania
“…purchased a tube furnace and am very satisfied with it.”

MHI Thermoplate

“I recently bought a thermoplate and would like to purchase another one.”

Power Institute, USA

“We have set up the hotplate we purchased from you last year and have been using it quite a bit this year.”..

MHI Fiber Heater

“Lasted over two years with daily use.”

Asia (India)
“I am happy to use your heater ”

M.S., Finland
“We’ve used the FIBHEAT oven now for about a week and it works exactly as we hoped.”

New Radiant, Thermopates, and Glow Panels

DOD laboratory personnel (USA) after performing tests at MHI with the…™. (e-Ion)
“ Better heat transfer compared to Flame…..”
MHI Comment: (yes it is safer and lower cost)

J. F., USA
“Thanks Brian! …again, thank you so much for your assistance and shipping these so quickly! We really appreciate it.”

D. L., USA
” – last time I purchased the Heat pad rated to 1100, and it worked great for us with our controllers. .”

M., Texas A&M
“I have collected the Installation and Operation Manual of SCR power controller and that of Robust Radiator Heating element from the department office. I really appreciate the kind favor.”

K.W., National Laboratory
“Thank you so much for the information. I appreciate all of your help.”

“… thank you, I was very surprised at your quick response.”

Thank you very much for the quick response… It was a pleasure meeting and doing business with you.”

R.C., BR
“I used to buy various things from MHI while working at NASA. They are experts in the area of high temperature furnaces and equipment. A good company.”

N.L., (buyer for large Company)
“Thanks for… and all your help with our orders. It was great working with you…”

“Thank you for being so responsive!”

M.C., National Lab, USA
“We really appreciate (and are astonished) at the speed of reply. Great company!”

P.M., Australia
“Many thanks for the efficient service.”

G.M., Australia
“… with a project, and have received exceptional service and input from sales.”

MHI Robust Radiator™

M.O., National Laboratory
“…the heating system that you helped me set up is working great!”

E.B., University
“…Robust Radiator is working perfectly as a Crucible heater.”

L.C., Canada
“We just received the elements … they look great.”

Dave J, Washington
“I am very pleased with its performance. We feel it can be useful for a lot of our projects.”
See use picture.