Please contact your MHI Sales Rep to arrange for a test, if feasible.
Test Video and Price Options: A large part of the test-price may be applied to your future purchase of a MHI steam device. Please note that a wide 60 day window is offered for this after the tests are done and parts sent back to you. Conditions apply for how much will be applied . The percentages are different for every situation. Please discuss with your MHI technical-application/sales professional.
There is a size-limit for the parts and for number of tests. Please discuss test parameters with your MHI sales representative (513-772-0404) so that a price can be estimated.
Minimum prices range from $2500-$5000. Additional amounts may apply.
Perforated drying cages or chambers are used for the test. Typical loss of water on drying veggies is order of 10%.
Test units are the MS400-4, OAB-4, HGA-S-01, or OAB-12