High-Pressure Electric Airtorch® Models. GTA and GVTA models with high-pressure enclosures.Years of experience in MHI manufacturing and materials technology. Large Customer Base. From KW to MW systems. High-pressure ASME-rated enclosures. CE or UL ratings as required. Choose MHI Airtorch® and Jet Heater Models when the requirement includes:
MHI Airtorch® products offer multi-stage heating. This is particularly important for several unique gas heating solutions for climate change solutions with reactive gases. Sleek 16 and 30 MW units. 2 Bar- 60 Bar or higher, ASME VIII standards when required. Third-party certification is provided when required. Process Air Heaters. Please click here for low-pressure rating units in the Megawatt range or high-wattage compact duct heaters. How much CO2 is saved by eliminating fossil fuels?
Picture of a very compact 2 MW GTA with a unique vertical configuration up to Models, 600°C, 700°C, 800°C, 900°C, 1000°C, 1100°C, 1200°C. Compare features with any other manufacturer. |
Airtorch® System Introduction | ||||||||||||||||
ASME codes Section VIII Div.1 or PED. Use test-bed facilities for jet engines and propulsion engines.
GVTA and GTA MODELS (High Pressure) * Air, inert, and non-combustible gas ready * Below is a typical 60kW- 400kW GVT configuration.A Note that the basic design follows the MVTA style or VTA style depending on temperature and pressure
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![]() Airtorch Vertical High-Pressure, High Temperature |
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GVTA or GTA with Blind Flange Shown Above |
GTA / GVTA is ideal for demanding high-pressure applications such as:
Low maintenance device. These units are easy to service. MHI provides significant warranties that cover all parts, even the heater. Attractive service contracts are offered where required. |
Feed troughs are sealed and marked for phase.
GVTA with (HI) opens up many testing possibilities. Rapid Heat-up. Energy Efficient. Easy to pipe.
GVTA with High-Temperature Flang. Several protection levels
Please Contact MHI for details, as this is a customized product).
Please specify the pressure. Units have ultra-low pressure drops.
Model Number | Power | Maximum Temperature |
GTA925-02-3(PV) 3 Bar | 2 kW | 925°C |
GTA925-04-6(PV) 6Bar | 4 kW | 925°C |
GTA925-12-6(PV) 6Bar | 12 kW | 900°C/1200°C |
GVTA-900-60-SH-PV | 100, 200 kW | 900°C/1100°C |
GVTA- 1000-120 -SH | 30-15000 kW Turn Down | 900°C/1100°C |
GVTA- 9(12)00-3000-DSH-PV | 300- 15000 kW Turn Down | 900°C/1200°C |
GVTA- 1000-2900-DSH-PV | 300-15000 kW Turn Down | 900°C/1000°C |
GVTA- 1000-6000-DSH-PV | 300-15000 kW (15MW) Turn Down | 900°C/1200°C |
New GTA-DPF models to 1100°C
GVTA and GTA models are rated for high pressure.
GTA-DPF Models for 1100°C and 1200°C1-15 KW Single or Three Phase 240/400/480/600V 50/60Hz |
Model # | Power |
GTA-DPF -3-1100 (DPF) 3 Bar Single Phase ![]() |
3kW |
GTA-DPF-10-1100 (DPF) 3 Bar Single Phase | 10kW |
GTA-DPF-15-1100 (DPF) 3 Bar 3 Phase | 15KWGVTA models accept high-pressure inlets. |
All GVTA models discussed on this page are examples only. Exact specifications are quoted as per customer requirements. Temperatures are rated at standard t/c location. However, typically, users have indicated minimal temperature drop within extended piping.
Pressure drop: Very low. MHI offers the DirectFlow™ Airtorch model. MHI uses its combined thermal knowledge across diverse equipment offerings to optimize and provide low-friction flows.
You have a choice of Temperature. The inlet three-phase voltages are 208V, 220V, 240V, 380V, 440V, 480V, 600V or 690V.
* Normal Flanged (GVTA) for 4-36″ diameter pipe (GVTA) or blind (subject to quoted specifications) ** Normal flanged for 3-8-28″ diameter pipe or blind (subject to mentioned specifications. In-line VTA high-pressure models have in-line flanges as per code.
New recommended combustible gas models: CGH-KW-(XPV)-(YPV).

For 500Kw – 6 MW
New VSH Airtorch® Model

Megawatt Airtorch(R) is very compact.

Cleanly Engineered Electric Temperature and Power Panel Layout