MHI Inc. Product and Company Overview
Superheated Steam Generators|Microheaters | Process Gas Heaters Airtorch®| Heating Elements | Radiative and Convective Heating Augmentation Heating Panels| Furnace and Furnace Accessories | Thermoplate| Microheater | Robust Radiator™ | Fiber Heater | Silicon Carbide Elements | Plasma |Nano Products | Electric Control Panels
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Prevent CO2 Emissions. Zero CO2 emissions now!
See also calculators for Energy and Power.
Exergy has to do with work potential or the quality of the energy vis. a vis. convertibility for work. A work potential (is measured from a reference state) and is available from the temperature differences, the differences in pressure, chemical processes, electromagnetic or strong-force potential,l, and many boundary energy storage mechanisms. The most efficient work is possible when there is no new entropy generation. The higher the temperature difference, the better the efficiency and exergy of a process. One can have more exergy from a higher enthalpy phase during a transformation where the enthalpy is released, e.g., at the melting point, there is more exergy in the liquid than the solid at the same temperature. MHI products reach very high temperatures in air and thus provide some of the highest source temperatures in an extremely versatile fashion. The higher temperatures possible with MHI products (heating elements, advanced materials, furnaces, steam units, airtorch, plasma) allow for high efficiencies and exergies. MHI also offers sub-assemblies in the form of heating elements, coils, and Airtorch devices Manufacturing and process productivity are greatly improved with high-temperature availability (SmartPower from High Temperature). Link Energy is always conserved, whereas exergy (a measure of the potential of that energy) is not. The same amount of energy at 1900°C has more potential than when the energy is available at a lower temperature. The quality of energy as important as the quantity for determining what the energy can do for you. MHI specializes in high-quality energy. MHI products may be used to convert low-quality energy to high-quality energy. To find out how, please contact MHI. If you are looking for high energy efficiency and plant productivity, please find out more about the unique MHI products GAXP™heating element, Microheaters, Robust Radiators, Steam units, HotTops™, Airtorch, and e-Ion Plasma™ Device Family. Please contact MHI 513-772-0404 in order to enable us to offer the best system for your application. MHI is a leader in smartpower with advanced materials and thermal systems.
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Thermal and Steam Calculators
GAXP® Furnace Element Calculator
DPF and TA Model Flow vs. Power. Useful for Airtorch Selection.
ROI and Monthly Payment Calculator
Watt Calculator – Fun with Energy and Power
Steam Calculator and Superheated Steam
Airflow and Airtorch™ Calculator
Radiation and Microheater Calculator
Information and Tutorials
Basics of Surface Smoothing, Peening and Deburring
Basics of Radiation Power Transfer
Compare with Laser, Electron Beam and Sunlight
Engineering Units Conversion Calculator Page
Important Concepts in Thermodynamics
Properties of Gases and Moist Air with Temperature.
Review of Equilibrium Constant and Production Speed Calculator
High productivity processes?
Applications (more added periodically)
Compare with Laser, Electron Beam and Sunlight
Clean Electric Flame compared with Combustion Flame
Very improved tool bits and drill conditioning made easy
Bending and shaping all types of glass
Seasoned cast iron is not really anti-stick. How to make anti-stick cast iron.
How to easily make the highest hardness material in the world with the cascade e-ion.