- Steam temperatures up to 400°C. From 200°C to 400°C can be varied with the flow, Vittori tube length, and power* settings. Variable power setting for variable temperature requires a BPAN-O-PLUS controller. This unit comes with a variable flow pump. Set to about 1 kg/hr., yields about 350 – 400C steam temperature.

- *The Control Panel is optional but recommended for very high-accuracy use. Otherwise, when plugged into a 110/115/120V 50/60Hz electric supply, the unit operates at full power. The pump-adjusted flow rate can control the temperature, but not to the fine degree as with the BPAN-O-PLUS control panel. The over-temperature controller in the control panel also protects against any accidental temperature rise.
- When used without the control panel, exit temperature control can be achieved by adjusting the water flow rate with the Opump-1 (included) or a longer-length Vittori tube. Please maintain the minimum flow rate set on the flow rate pump.
- Nominal Length 19.5″
- Includes: Matched variable speed pump (peristaltic universal). The pump is 120/220V/AC Switchable—flow Rate Display on O-Pump1 (included).
- 1-atmosphere pressure standard. The cN-BPE-1 is a steam side control valve for continuously metering the amount of steam.
- 1 Kg/hr Flow Rate (HGA-S-01) is the maximum.
- With the cN-BPE-1, a steam valve option, the usable flow on the steam side may vary from 0.3 to 1 kg/hr.
The cN-BPE is a continuous steam side valve that adjusts the steam rate in the line. This will not change the total conversion.
- Using a cN-BPE will cause a temperature drop of 50C or more. When purchasing a cN option, please also select a Vittori tube option.
- Plug-and-play system
- A Vittori extension tube is offered as an optional selectable item. The tube provides a flexible connection from the generator to a process chamber.
- 120V AC outlet compatible (US 115/120V, a 3-prong plug is provided)
- 2 Integrated Process and Monitoring thermocouples
- Light-weight, easy to move, easy to mount chassis
- Boilerfree™ technology. Several Patents.
- Standard distilled or RO water is recommended for use.
- Output may be attached to the optional electric steam supercharger (don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] for details).
- Note: This unit is 120V AC 50/60Hz. The 220/240V AC 50/60Hz users will require a step-down power converter rated for at least 1.5 kW. MHI is happy to provide this at a nominal price. Please contact MHI (513-772-0404).
- Please view prices for options in the option selections pull-down menus.
- * Power settings/variations require controls.
HGA-S-01 products are used in several countries worldwide in both hemispheres.
Choosing the power and temperature control panel option.
Controls and Guidance with Options:
Choose the BPAN-O-PLUS (two thermocouples can be read) for power and temperature control. THE BPAN-O-PLUS has high-quality temperature and power control. It also comes with a high-quality phase angle SCR for accurate controls. An overtemperature controller is also included. Both UL, cUL, and non-UL versions of the control panel are offered.
The cN-BPE-1 is a steam side control valve for continuously metering the amount of steam.
The TC-Read is a thermocouple display in an enclosure (115/120 Volts). It includes a steam measurement TC and a TC Stand.
The Gas Port and Pressure relief valve can be added to the steam exit nozzle (only one may be selected). The gas port option attaches to the steam side.
The Vittori Extended tube is ~ 12″. The use of the tube will drop the steam temperature.
Typical use of high-temperature pure steam is in chemical, organic, biological, dissolution, fuel testing/production, and inorganic processes where allowed. Also, consider quick high-temperature steam impingement for approved microbial use (please check with your microbiologist for approval). The information and references given on should be used as a guide.
Do you want a steam chamber? Click on the link below.
Attachment steam chambers offered are ~ 1.5″ dia and ~4″ long. Typically, a200-250C temperature is easily noted in chambers connected to the HGA-S-01 when the BPAN-O-PLUS power controller is used.
Higher temperature steam chambers are available at or by contacting MHi at [email protected].
The HGA-S-01 is a one-atmosphere system for high-temperature instant steam generators. Water pump included.
The cN-BPE or BPE are steam stream splitters. The cN-BPE variable stream can be about 0.3 kg/hr to 1 Kg/hr. Using a stream splitter will cause a temperature drop.
Pressure Relief Valve if required for the user application (not required if open discharge use). This is an add-on to the front nozzle and may cause temperature loss.
A 1.5 “ID x 4 “L steam chamber cylindrical attachment is offered as an add-on. Please note that the temperature in the steam chamber will be about 220C when the HGA-S-01 is operated at full power.
An optional gas Port at the exit is offered for gas mixing scenarios that the user may choose. This is an add-on to the front nozzle. The use of cold gas will reduce steam temperature.
- Steam temperatures up to 400°C. From 100°C to 400°C can be varied with the flow and power* settings.
- *The Control Panel is optional but recommended for very high-accuracy use. Without the control panel, the temperature is controlled by adjusting the water flow rate with the Opump-1. Without the electrical control panel, the unit operates at full power when plugged into 110/115V
- Nominal Length 19.5″
- Includes: A matched variable-speed pump (peristaltic universal). The pump is 120/220V/AC Switchable. The Flow Rate Display on O-Pump1 is included.
- 1-atmosphere pressure standard. The cN-BPE-1 is a steam side control valve for continuously metering the amount of steam.
- 1 Kg/hr Flow Rate (HGA-S-01)is the maximum. With the cN-BPE-1, a steam valve option, the usable flow may vary from 0.3-1 kg/hr on the steam side.
- Note that using a cN will cause a 50C or more temperature drop. When purchasing a cN option, please also select a Vittori tube option.
- Plug-and-play system
- Vittori Flexible Tube (Optional): This tube provides a flexible connection from the generator to the process chamber. Two Vittori extension tubes are offered as optional items.
- 120V AC outlet compatible (US 115/120V 3-prong plug is provided)
- 2 Integrated Process and Monitoring thermocouples
- Light-weight, easy to move, easy to mount chassis
- Boilerfree(TM) technology. Several Patents.
- Standard distilled or RO water is recommended.
- Output may be attached to the optional electric steam supercharger (please contact [email protected] for details).
- Note: This unit is 120V AC 50/60Hz. The 220/240V AC 50/60Hz users will require a step-down power converter rated for at least 1.5 kW. MHI is happy to provide this at a nominal price. Please contact MHI (513-772-0404).
- Please view price details of optional equipment in the option pull-down menus.
- * Power Settings Variations required Controls.
Choosing the power and temperature control panel option. Please consider one of the following options and enable the option in the pull-down menus above.
Choose the BPAN-O-PLUS (two thermocouples can be read)
The cN-BPE-1 is a steam side control valve for continuously metering the amount of steam.
The HGA-S-01 is a product used in several countries in both hemispheres. It has many applications.
The TC-Read is a thermocouple display in an enclosure (115/120 Volts). It is SOld with a TC and TC Stand.
The Gas Port and Pressure relief valve are added to the steam exit nozzle.
The Vittori Extended tube is ~ 6″ or 12″, depending on the option chosen.
An optional simple steam chamber is 1.5″ dia and ~4″ long. It typically has a temperature of 200-250C. Higher-temperature steam chambers are available at
Steam Products
J.K., One of the largest US Company for CPG and health care goods
Worked beautifully – … Thanks.
J.M, Billion Dollar US Company
“I have finally had a chance to work with the heater (steamer); it is performing fairly well.”
Buyer at large World AE company.” I personally ….. love to have you as our supplier……”
J.B., Major US University
“… he was a great help and recommended the HGS product line.”
M.W., Major US University
Ours (HGA-S) seems to be working fine ….
F. ., Major Canadian University
Hello … I ran the steam generator and the CX1300 unit this afternoon…………….. the CX1300, both pieces of equipment worked well. Thanks for the pdf on the controllers. Now that I know that everything is working, please tell……..that I will forward him some pictures of my modifications.
S Compnay, U.K.
…We used the HGA2 as a research and development tool for our surgical devices. The HGA2 steam device performed well for us. It was used up to heat various plastics and materials up to 400°C with steam.”
Robust Radiator™
M.O., National Laboratory
“…the heating system that you helped me set up is working great!”
E.B., University
“…Robust Radiator is working perfect as a Crucible heater.”
L.C., Canada
“We just received the elements … they look great.”
Dave J, Washington
“I am very pleased with its performance. We feel it can be useful for a lot of our projects.”
See use picture.