High Flow Rate Electric Process Gas Heaters

MHI Electric Airtorch® products are compact and energy efficient.

1 kWh of electric heating saves almost ~ (0.42 – 0.69 kg) of CO2 equivalent emissions per hour. (source).

This is important for decarbonization to assist climate change and reduce global warming.

MHI Airtorch® units offer:

  • And more important features for long life…..(please read below).

MHI Airtorch® 3 Phase Systems: These systems range from 30KW to 200MW. Modern electronics allow easy adjustment of power, flow rate, and temperature. Specify the exit temperature, vessel pressure, and flow.

  1. Electrical heating systems are generally 2X or more energy efficient throughout the process comparison. Therefore, if energy efficiency is the aim, electricity should always be used.
  2. For payback goals, both the initial cost additions of a higher-efficiency product and the better returns from it must be considered.
  3. A trial project could have a fixed budget, forcing one to choose a lower-priced, lower-efficiency system. However, the objective is not to prove the process’s efficiency but to show project efficacy. Regardless, it can be done with high-efficiency electrical segment sections to prove trials because the climate costs are rising yearly.
  4. The payback period decreases dramatically if climate costs are considered. The emission price of about $283/ton of CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuels can be used for climate projects. Based on PNAS in 2024,  Emissions Saved by Converting to Electrical Heaters:  (4.17-6.99) × 10-4 metric tons of CO2/kWh (source).
  5. A higher temperature significantly adds to the production rate.    More examples are on https://mhi-inc.com/decarbonization-project-costing-analysis-energy-efficiency/ (bottom of the page)
  6. This is the link for the cost of making CO2.

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  • Low-Pressure Drop
  • Up to 100s of MW
  • High Turn Down Ratio
  • Energy and Cost Savings
  • High uniformity. Sealed. Flanges and mating flanges are provided as described.Multi Door Control Panels and MW Airtorch
  • Continuously adjustable airflow and temperature with a flow valve and MHI power controller.Three Phase DPF or MVTA925
  • Adjustable air temperatures from ambient when ordered to 1100°C. (Airflow temperature)
  • Several safety features. Multiple thermocouple locations.
  • Insulated, air/gas-cooled. Reduces flange stresses.
  • PID controls and the choice of TRIPAN or  I-TRIPAN controls. PLC, and HMI.
  • New* MVTA (THN) advanced systems from 1MW to 200 MW and several in between. Beat all prices and compare performance.
  • (HI and SH) models allow even a 600°C input. 1200°C Output.
  • Extremely low-pressure drop.
  • New compact Array models for 100MW and beyond with very low-pressure drops.
  • The pressure drop is low. For more information and specifications, please get in touch with MHI.
  • MHI offers DirectFlow™ Airtorch® models. MHI uses its combined thermal knowledge from over 30 years across diverse equipment offerings to provide low-friction flows.
  • The Airtorch is used for industrial flow heating, comfort control, simulation, rapid drying ceramics, beneficiation, metal production, ore roasting and drying, high-temperature flow-induced chemical thermodynamics, testbeds, food and beverage production, pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality assurance, precious metals reclamation, pollution control applications, and efficient drying. It is also used in drying, mineral ore, cement, packaging, fuel, and other applications.
  • The Airtorch® is a SmartEnergy™ device because of its energy efficiency.
  • Choice of the supply voltage. 50/60Hz. Inlet temperatures can be high on specific models.Vertical configurations
  • MHI control panels handle all voltages: 220V, 240V, 380V, 440V, 480V, and 600V.
  • High Pressure in-line, please click here. For more information and specifications, please contact us.
  • High-Temperature Inlet Models. Exit to 1200°C (2192°F)
  • Properly multi-flanged.
  • Airtorch® process heating methods are quiet.
  • GTA™ Models, 3 Bar, 8 Bar, 21 Bar, 60 Bar,
  • Request Quote for DPF Airtorch™Compact MW Airtorch
  • High Energy efficiency – decarbonized.

Why choose the MHI Electric Airtorch®? Efficiency, High-Temperature, Robust construction materials, safety, and attractive life-cycle payback calculations.  

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Low operational cost from the very low-pressure drop (~0.1 psig, and much lower for Duct Heaters), noise-free,  quick-start, high-temperature capable – implies longer life at lower temperatures than process gas heaters that cannot reach high temperatures.   Several models are in stock – all quality-engineered and carefully manufactured—and have decades of electrical heating experience. The high-power patented three-phase Airtorch® configuration yields high-temperature convective air and may be used for various applications. It is used for surface heat treatment, simulation, combustion tests, reaction engineering for carbon and calcium, cement, forestry, steel, ammonia industry use, and Other environmental decarbonization uses like preheating, drying, powder sintering, testbeds, channel heaters, and large and continuous ovens. MHI Airtorch® systems are extremely energy efficient. Stainless steel or other flanged sealed systems provide energy efficiency, temperature capability, and conservation.
Contact MHI
 – Typical Applications

Decarbonization: Heavy Duty Equipment

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MHI  is committed to sustainability.

Temperature Lower Power (1-12 kW) High Power (36 KW-15MW)
600-900°C LTA, VTAMTA925 MVTA-900-(DNA) Models, SH
900-1000°C or 1000-1100°C MVTA-900-(DNA) Models MVTA-1000-(DNA) ModelsMVTA-DPF(DNA) Models, SH
1200°C/1300°C   MPDNA VTA-MPDNA and GDPF-MPDNA 1200°C
High-Pressure Enclosures (GTA, GVTA) Up to 1200°C

Electric feed throughs Duct Heaters SH

Request Electric Airtorch® information

MHI Capabilities in Airtorch V-DPF

Clean – Decarbonize

Large Flow GTA

*Unit Life and Safety: MVTA units forgive temperature exposures beyond their rated capacity, even up to 100°C for many models. Even for the 1000°C models.   Calculate 3-phase Electric Power.

(up to 1100C)
Highest Powers Units
Maximum Temperature
(Highest Temperatures)
Voltage3 Phase
All Line Voltages 50/60Hz
  • State the flow of Power and Gas in your request
  • For example, Air 2.2 or 45  MW 
  • Request Quote for Airtorch™

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324 kW – 4000 kW

Robust Design

Customer Testimonials



Custom MVTA models up to 1300°C/1832°F

For higher temperature Models, please click on DPF

For Inline Pressure Situations, please specify the pressure



440/480/600 Volts


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Blower to MVTANo flame or sound

Many Unique Accessories from our Fabrication Facilities. Manifolds.

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*For high kW in both the GTA and MVTA Airtorch class, please note that MHI provides a 1-year warranty and no-cost of heating element change for 1 year.  Double flanged units.

ASME-flange specifications.  Please contact MHI.

THN Models Have Cone Down Flanges Included.Airtorch® High Power, Three Phase Systems.

Contact MHI for your specific energy savings

Patented Products up to 1200C

MVTA model for 48 or 96 kW (1000°C).