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Helpful Constants

A global leader in smart power industrial device technologies. Meeting the global grand-challenges for our customers

A global leader in smart power industrial device technologies.  Meeting the grand global challenges for our customers.

Energy Conversion kJ mol-1 kcal mol-1 eV cm-1
kJ mol-1 1 0.23901 1.0364×10-2 83.59
kcal mol-1 4.184 1 4.3363×10-2 349.75
eV 96.485 23.061 1 8065.5
cm-1 1.1963×10-2 2.8591×10-3 1.2398×10-4 1

wavenumber wavelength and frequency chart

wavenumber wavelength and frequency chart



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Universal Constant Units and Value
h (Planck’s constant) 6.626075 *10-34 J s
kB (Boltzmann’s constant) 1.38065 *10-23 J K-1
NA (Avogadro’s number) 6.022136 *1023 mol-1
c (speed of light) 2.9979245 *108 m s-1
ao (Bohr radius) 5.2917724 *10-11 m
e (charge of an electron) 1.6021773 *10-19 Coulomb